Quotes of Maqbool Bhat
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- Written by Maqbool Bhat Foundation, MBF
- Category: Newsflash
- Hits: 97812
My only crime is that I have rebelled against the forces of obscurantism, ignorance, greed, exploitation, slavery, nepotism and hypocrisy.
“ We would welcome support from our friends but on the basis of mutual friendship and dignity not on the basis of control and superiority.”
Bring Him Back
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- Written by Maqbool Bhat Foundation, MBF
- Category: Newsflash
- Hits: 689886
Synopsis: Hanged on 11 February 1984 in the Tihar jail of India, Maqbool Bhat's body was never returned to his family. He was buried in the jail compound. For thirty years, his family has been asking for justice, to get and bury his remains in the Indian-controlled Kashmir.
Here his mother travels through different places of the region; praying, visiting his empty grave, calling people to join her struggle to bring him back.
For more: www.bringhimback.info
Director: Fahad Shah
Producer: RåFILM (Talat Bhat)
#JKTV The Voice of The Voiceless
Change picture in facebook's profile to tribute Maqbool Butt Shaheed.
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- Written by Maqbool Bhat Foundation, MBF
- Category: Newsflash
- Hits: 147037
Maqbool Butt Foundation request to all Kashmiris to changes the profile picture to MB's portrait from 1st to end of February to show resistance and to tell the occupiers, you can kill the aspiration of independent State of Jammu Kashmir.
Feb 11 a milestone in Kashmir history: Salahudin
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- Written by Maqbool Bhat Foundation, MBF
- Category: Newsflash
- Hits: 82028
Srinagar, Feb 9: Paying rich tributes to Shaheed Muhammad Maqbool Bhat on his martyrdom anniversary being observed on February 11, the United Jehad Council chairman Syed Salahudin described him a ‘great martyr of the Kashmir freedom struggle.’
Mother of a Movement - The Honour Deb. 2010
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- Written by Maqbool Bhat Foundation, MBF
- Category: Newsflash
- Hits: 251600
Maqbool Bhatt The life and struggle of an imprisoned Kashmiri martyr © Shams Rehman
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- Written by Maqbool Bhat Foundation, MBF
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 97837
11th February 2014 marks the 30th year of the execution and ‘post-execution imprisonment’ of Maqbool Bhatt who during the life course of his political struggle was tried, imprisoned and tortured several times as a ‘Pakistani Agent’ by the Indian and as an ‘Indian Agent’ by the Pakistani rulers. He himself stated before the Indian and Pakistani courts that he was not an ‘Agent’ of one or the other occupier in his motherland but an agent of the freedom of Kashmir and Kashmiri people. Before an Indian court where he was tried under the charges of ‘enemy agent’ he said:
‘‘I have no problem in accepting the charges brought against me except with one correction. I am not an enemy agent but the enemy, enemy of the Indian state occupation in Kashmir. Have a good look at me and recognise me full well, I am the enemy of your illegal rule in Kashmir”.
مقبول بٹ دنیا کی سب سے بڑی جمہوریت میں قید کشمیری شہید تحریر : شمس رحمان میرپور مانچسٹر
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- Written by Maqbool Bhat Foundation, MBF
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 90233
گیارہ فروری 2014کو مقبول بٹ کی شہادت کو تیس سال اور تہار جیل میں دہلی میں اسیری کو اڑتیس سال ہو جائیں گے۔ کشمیر میں قومی آزادی کی جدوجہد کے محترم ترین نام مقبول بٹ کو ان کی سیاسی زندگی کے دوران دشمن کا ایجینٹ ہونے کے الزام میں بھارت اور پاکستان دونون نے جیل میں ڈالا اور تشدد کیا۔ خود مقبول بٹ کے بقول وہ اپنے وطن کشمیر پر قابض کسی بھی ملک کا نہیں بلکہ ریاست جموں کشمیر کے عوام کا ایجینٹ تھا۔ ایک بھارتی عدالت میں جہاں اس پر دشمن کے ایجینٹ ہونے مقدمہ چل رہا تھا مقبول بٹ نے کہا :
" مجھے خود پر لگایا گیا الزام تسلیم کرنے میں کوئی عار نہیں ہاں مگر ایک ترمیم کے ساتھ کہ میں دشمن کا ایجینٹ نہیں ہوں بلکہ میں ہی دشمن ہوں۔ مجھے اچھی طرح پہچان لیا جائے میں ہی کشمیر میں آپ کے غیرقانونی قبضے کا دشمن ہوں۔ "
Mohammad Maqbool Butt- An untold story by By Zafar Meraj
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- Written by Maqbool Bhat Foundation, MBF
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 206863
It was one of those chilly evenings of winter of 1984 and I as usual was trying to gather news reports for next day’s issue of AINA which I was associated with, then. The budget session of the state assembly was on in winter capital Jammu and I would call Kashmir Times off ices in Jammu to have the latest news about the day’s developments in the assembly. We, at AINA and Kashmir Times, had an understanding for exchanging the news. Kashmir Times had no one in Srinagar to look after the news and so was the case with AINA, without any correspondent in Jammu. Ved Bhasin, happened to be like part of our family, being one of the closet friends of late Shamim Ahmad Shamim and so the two papers decided to share the information on daily basis. On that evening, if I remember correctly, it was February, 6, that I called Kashmir Times office, and my uncle, and a senior journalist, Mohammad Syed Malik, who was working then for Delhi based English daily Patriot and used to move to Jammu with annual durbar, picked up the phone. After briefing him about Srinagar items, I inquired from him the day’s developments in the assembly. “Zafar Ji, there is a big news, but you have to keep it as a secret till morning, when the paper comes out.......Maqbool Butt is being hanged on February, 11..... and this is our exclusive story. No one else (from amongst journalists) has any clue of this”, he told me in a hushed tone, as if none else could hear him.
Maqbool Butt - An overview of his life and struggle by Shamas Rehman
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- Written by Maqbool Bhat Foundation, MBF
- Category: Articles
- Hits: 125313